Continuing Education Course List
Please visit the following webpage, Continuing Education Course List, shows a listing of courses available for RIBO continuing education. If you are looking for a particular course/course provider please enter a part of/the full name of the course/course provider in the respective search box. There is also the option to sort by category or by most recently added.
Please note that the names of the courses are provided by their course providers. If you havFew readersContinuing Education Requirements
Principal Brokers, Deputy Principal Brokers, and Supervising Brokers
10 hours of continuing education credits every year between October 1st and September 30th subject to the following conditions: minimum of 1 hour Ethics, 5 hours Management, and Professional Development category courses cannot be applied. The remaining hours may be in the Management or Technical categories. A carryover of a maximum of 10 hours (or one term’s requirements) is permitted however the minimum category requireFew readersContinuing Education Accreditation Application
Application Process
Please select the form below that is applicable to your course offering. Be sure you are ready with the following to enable you to complete the form:
Appropriate Application Form (to determine which application form, please refer to the FAQ’s)
Appropriate Fee (will be indicated on form)
Materials (i.e. presenter biographies, presentation slides, timed agenda, outline, description, etc.)
Once the application has beenFew readers