Articles on: Continuing Education

Continuing Education Accreditation Application

Application Process

Please select the form below that is applicable to your course offering. Be sure you are ready with the following to enable you to complete the form:

Appropriate Application Form (to determine which application form, please refer to the FAQ’s)
Appropriate Fee (will be indicated on form)
Materials (i.e. presenter biographies, presentation slides, timed agenda, outline, description, etc.)
Once the application has been received, the processing time varies depending on the number of courses and completeness of application. If there are any materials missing from the application, the processing time will increase significantly.
The accreditation decision will be sent to the applicant liaison to the email address provided.
An applicant can request an appeal of a decision of any application. In the case of an appeal, the applicant must provide detailed reasoning regarding the appeal, requests related to number of hours as well as the CE category must also be justified within the submission. A decision following an appeal will be final.

Updated on: 19/12/2023

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